Dear All
It seems amazing that just over a week ago we were enjoying the annual fete and the sunshine. I would like to thank you for all your help in making the event such a huge success.
I am delighted to tell you that we have again made a record amount, even beating last year’s great outcome. We believe we have made around £3,400 this year but the final figure, together with each stall’s figures and some more pictures, will soon be posted on the village notice board and on the web site: - htt://
As well as good weather the fete is only made possible by those villagers that help in some way, through helping with the set up, organising activities, manning the stands and of course clearing away at the end of the day. It is a long and tiring day but we hope that you enjoyed being part of the activities as everyone's individ-ual contribution is so valuable.
The Village Hall Committee wishes to thank all those that played a part in making 2013 such a success. Your contribution is really greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Kind regards
Kate Lister
On behalf of the Warmington Village Hall Committee