Sunday 19 October 2014

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Warmington Village Hall Management Committee will take place on:

Wednesday, 12thth November 2014, at 8pm

Location – Warmington Village Hall

You are invited to the Village Hall Annual General Meeting. 

With a reduction in regular users of the hall in recent years the Committee needs your feedback to see how the role of the Hall can be taken forward (if at all) and what facilities or improvements will encourage more community use in the future.

New committee members are also sought to ensure a cross section of residents are represented on the committee.

If you would like to seek nomination to the Committee, please complete the nomination slip below and return it to Simon Wilce, Secretary to the Village Hall, at Orchard House, Chapel Street or return it to the Hall post box by Friday 7th November, 2014.  Alternatively, speak to any of the Committee Members or call Simon Wilce on 690890. 

Spare nomination papers are available in the suggestion box in the Hall or at Orchard House.

Don’t forget to put the Christmas Party on Friday 12th December in your diary

Nomination to the Village Hall Management Committee

I would like to nominate…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Proposed by………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by………………………