Warmington Villa ge Hall Management Committee
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 4 December
2012 at 8.00pm in Warmington Villa ge
Present: Simon Wilce, Tessa Harborne, Richard Neale
and 13 members of the public (see attendance sheet)
Apologies: Jeff
Deakin, Jessica MacGregor, Margaret Sutcliffe, Audrey Coates, Simon & Liz
Jackson, George & Sally Adams, Jay Williams, Daphne
Ward, Paul & Barbara Grenet, John Field, Georgina Bullworthy, Kate Lister,
Janet Neale
Minutes of the
2011 AGM: already distributed and approved by Richard Neale
Report: This was read out
at the Meeting by Simon Wilce, Chairman. Report attached detailing points made
by Simon. Note that this report also covers matters raised later in the meeting
under Any Other Business.
Report: This was
distributed and read at the Meeting. Report attached. The main points are that
the Hall is now self financed by the events with an 86% rental increase and
£780 profit. Part of the rental increase is due to the hall being closed for
some of last year. Rental charges will not increase next year. Events income is
up 42%. The Jubilee income will be used for four gazebos and some tables.
Resignation of
outgoing committee and the Election of the new committee
This took pla ce.
Nominations of
elected members: All of the outgoing committee except
Richard Neale sought re-election. Additionally Audrey Coates sought election as
an Officer. This was approved by those present with no objections.
The 2 co-opted
members (Sarah Denison and Margaret Sutcliffe) to be confirmed at
next committee meeting.
representatives of villa ge
organisations pro tem and until confirmed at the next committee meeting
are: Stuart Martin (Heritage), Kate
Lister (Youth Forum) and Jenny Handscombe (WI)
The elected members will sign the Declaration of Acceptance
of Office at the next committee meeting.
Any Other
Business: Mostly covered in the Chairman’s report – see above.
Further discussion on a) the importance of resurfacing at
least the front of the hall car park area and b) the heating in the kitchen.
Jenny Handscombe suggested a small porch at the hall