FETE - The annual fete and produce show will take place on the village green on Sunday, 1st September, from 2 pm till 5 pm. Bring your dog and have a go at dog agility, or take part in the tug-of-war contests. Admire the exhibits in the produce show and browse through the books, bric-a-brac, craft and gardening stalls. Take part in games of skill and chance and enjoy teas in the marquee. Entertainment will be provided by the Spa Strummers and the Armaleggan Dancers and entry is free.
WI - On Wednesday Lt. Col. Lesinski, Master of Warwick's Lord Leycester Hospital, will be making a return visit. He will be reminiscing about his time as a soldier in "Guards in State Ceremonial". All welcome to hear this entertaining speaker at 7.30 pm in the village hall.
Correspondent: Liz Newman, Greenways, The Green, Warmington. Contact 01295 690641.