Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Fete in the Banbury Guardian

Posted to the village section in the Guardian this week.  

FETE - The annual fete and produce show will take place on the village green on Sunday, 1st September, from 2 pm till 5 pm. Bring your dog and have a go at dog agility, or take part in the tug-of-war contests. Admire the exhibits in the produce show and browse through the books, bric-a-brac, craft and gardening stalls. Take part in games of skill and chance and enjoy teas in the marquee. Entertainment will be provided by the Spa Strummers and the Armaleggan Dancers and entry is free.
WI - On Wednesday Lt. Col. Lesinski, Master of Warwick's Lord Leycester Hospital, will be making a return visit. He will be reminiscing about his time as a soldier in "Guards in State Ceremonial". All welcome to hear this entertaining speaker at 7.30 pm in the village hall.
Correspondent: Liz Newman, Greenways, The Green, Warmington. Contact 01295 690641.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Latest on the Fete Sunday, 1st September

This link is to a document you can download of our layout for this years Fete.  Copy the link to your browser to see the document.


This is the draft of the activities for the afternoon, bring your well trained dog to the arena at 2:40!


Saturday, 3 August 2013

Fete 2013 draft full Programme

A huge thanks to all of our advertisers from the Village Hall, best wishes to you all for 2013/14

This is the first draft of the Programme, click or paste this link into your browser to download the 2013 Programme


Produce Show Entry Form

Click or paste this link to download the Produce Shoe entry form


The Fete is Coming in 4 weeks!!! Fete Flyer and draft Arena Program

Click or paste this link to see the Fete 2013 flyer and Produce Show entry form


License Application


Mrs Jenny Handscombe is applying for the grant of a Premises Licence for

Warmington Village Hall, Church Hill, Warmington

If granted the application will allow the following licensable activities to take place:

The sale of alcohol on the premises
The sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises
The provision of regulated entertainment

Any person wishing to make representations in relation to this application may
do so by writing to:

Licensing Authority Stratford on Avon DC,
Elizabeth House,
Church St,
Stratford on Avon
CV367 6HX
Tel:01789 260832
Fax:01789 260809

Representations may be made for 28 consecutive days from the date of this notice.
A copy of the application for the grant of the above licence is kept by Licensing Authority at the above address. The application can be view Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays, except bank holidays.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement is a Level 5 fine on the standard scale.

July 20  2013

Dear Villagers

Dear Villagers

I wanted to add this short message to the licence notice to update you on some Village Hall matters. 

At the end of August Georgina Bullworthy and her family are moving to Singapore. This exciting opportunity for the Bullworthy family is a great loss for the village as George has put a huge amount of energy into village events during her short time here.  Our thanks to George.  Audrey Coates (Cambray House) is to take over as Treasurer and bookings will be done by Brenda (tel 690337).  However we are now looking for someone else to join the village hall committee to help steer hall affairs and organise events.  We are also looking for a Secretary (elected or otherwise).  We meet on the second Wednesday of every month and aim for meetings to take no longer than an hour.

The committee has worked particularly hard in putting on new events and activities, such as Pilates, Zumba, and a playgroup. These have been put on at villagers' requests, but disappointingly are folding due to lack of participation.  Please do consider using these great resources in the village rather than going elsewhere.

If you have an idea for events or activities you would like to see in the hall, please do let us know.  Our new website will show you free dates and will also help to publicise events: http://www.warmingtonOX17.blogspot.co.uk/.

Finally, Fete preparations are in full swing - please contact us to let us know how you can help. Thank you.

Have a good summer.

Simon, Village Hall Committee Chairman