Saturday, 3 August 2013

Dear Villagers

Dear Villagers

I wanted to add this short message to the licence notice to update you on some Village Hall matters. 

At the end of August Georgina Bullworthy and her family are moving to Singapore. This exciting opportunity for the Bullworthy family is a great loss for the village as George has put a huge amount of energy into village events during her short time here.  Our thanks to George.  Audrey Coates (Cambray House) is to take over as Treasurer and bookings will be done by Brenda (tel 690337).  However we are now looking for someone else to join the village hall committee to help steer hall affairs and organise events.  We are also looking for a Secretary (elected or otherwise).  We meet on the second Wednesday of every month and aim for meetings to take no longer than an hour.

The committee has worked particularly hard in putting on new events and activities, such as Pilates, Zumba, and a playgroup. These have been put on at villagers' requests, but disappointingly are folding due to lack of participation.  Please do consider using these great resources in the village rather than going elsewhere.

If you have an idea for events or activities you would like to see in the hall, please do let us know.  Our new website will show you free dates and will also help to publicise events:

Finally, Fete preparations are in full swing - please contact us to let us know how you can help. Thank you.

Have a good summer.

Simon, Village Hall Committee Chairman