Saturday, 3 August 2013

License Application


Mrs Jenny Handscombe is applying for the grant of a Premises Licence for

Warmington Village Hall, Church Hill, Warmington

If granted the application will allow the following licensable activities to take place:

The sale of alcohol on the premises
The sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises
The provision of regulated entertainment

Any person wishing to make representations in relation to this application may
do so by writing to:

Licensing Authority Stratford on Avon DC,
Elizabeth House,
Church St,
Stratford on Avon
CV367 6HX
Tel:01789 260832
Fax:01789 260809

Representations may be made for 28 consecutive days from the date of this notice.
A copy of the application for the grant of the above licence is kept by Licensing Authority at the above address. The application can be view Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays, except bank holidays.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement is a Level 5 fine on the standard scale.

July 20  2013