Monday, 17 June 2013

Minutes of Meeting - 10th April 2013

Warmington Village Hall Management Committee

Minutes of Village Hall Committee Meeting 10/04/2013

Present:  Simon Wilce, Georgina Bullworthy, Kate Lister, Sarah Denison, Jessica MacGregor, Tessa Harborne, Stuart Martin, Jenny Handscombe.

Apologies: Audrey Coates.

Minutes of last meeting:

Read and approved.

Matters Arising:

The minutes of future meetings to be posted on the Village Notice Board (Action: Simon)

Constitutional Matters:

Brenda Crocker was welcomed as the Gardening Club representative.
Monthly management meetings will henceforth be for elected and co-opted Committee members only.
Group representatives and event organizers will be invited to attend quarterly meetings (January, April, July and AGM).
Quorum: this consists of one-third of the elected members (i.e., two elected members).
Youth Forum:  Kate will continue to represent the Youth Forum for the time being.

New Bookings:

15 April: Messy Church
28 April: private Birthday Party
1 May:    Tai Chi “Taster Session”: 6.45 pm; no charge to participants. NB: There would be   possible clashes in May and June with PC meetings on Wednesday evenings.
Leaflets (to include information about possible new Saturday morning Zumba class) will be designed by Kate and distributed in the normal way.
18 May:  private event

St Michael’s Warmington:

It was agreed that the VH could be used free of charge for Sunday service in very cold weather.

Rural Cinema:

First viewing: 1 November (film title to be advised nearer the date). 

Licenses: A (free) premises license is needed for the “cinema”.  An application will be made on 1 August for an annual liquor license (£100 for Year 1; £70 for subsequent years. NB: this will cover all areas of the village, i.e., The Green as well as the VH). Action: Jenny.

Equipment: obtain information concerning all the necessary equipment; inform Simon once this has been obtained.  Action: Jenny.

Film storage: Simon

Next venue: Committee responsible for arranging delivery of film to the next venue.

Treasurer’s Report:

Georgina will hand over to Audrey before the next meeting (Georgina will then become Minutes Secretary).
The Report was distributed (Committee members to refer to it for details).  The Fete is the last event before the AGM in October; we need to raise a minimum of £2520 in order to cover the estimated running costs of the VH. 
Simon advised that the Annual Return needs to filed by the end of July: Action: Audrey to liaise with Nick Chadwick (VH auditor).


o    Easter Egg Hunt: a great success (despite the weather); a profit of £269.96p was made.  The “Number Squares” raffle was the biggest earner.  Jessica was congratulated for an excellentTreasure Hunt (N.B: the road should be closed if this takes place in future).  Cadbury’s have been thanked for their generous support.
o    Open Gardens: Sunday 23 June.  It is hoped that re-surfacing of the front car park will have been completed by then.
o    Fete: Sunday 1 September.  First planning meeting has already taken place: next meeting Thursday 11 June; time and venue to be advised.  Some monies are still outstanding from the 2012 fete: Action: Kate will pursue.

Village Hall Report:

o    Report circulated by Simon at the meeting.  All trustees have now signed. 
o    A Fire Assessment has taken place; on 16 April Specialist Fire Products are to change the “luminaires” (the 2 heaters mounted above the kitchen and lobby door), which are not working properly.  All appliances need a Portable Appliance Test; this will also be carried out by Specialist Fire Products (this includes the microwave, kindly donated by Sarah). 
o    The outside light is still unreliable; Stuart suggested that“movement detection” light would be better: Action: Simon.
o    Website update: Pete Cook is discussing this with Giles Sinclair (a website designer); the cost would be £1000.  Pete was advised to contact Balscote (who have a good website), and   is investigate the cost of using it as template. Action: Simon to contact Mark Burstall re. updating VH details on the Parish Council/Warmington website.
o    Car park: after obtaining several quotes, it was unanimously agreed to use Sutherpark to re-surface the front car park.  It is hoped that work will begin on 24 May.
o    Iron Fence and Gate: this needs to be repaired before re-surfacing work begins. Action: Simon.
o    Porch: Anglian Windows to be approached.  Action: Jenny

First Aid Course:

This will now be a Winter Activity.

Any Other Business:

Bins to be removed (Action: Jenny and Simon).

The meeting closed at 21:20.

Next Meeting – Wednesday May 8th 2013 at 8 pm; venue to be advised.